- Introduction
- User Interface
- Download and Install
- Purchase & Register
- Open PDF
- View PDF Files
- Rearrange Pages
- Bookmark PDF Files
- Read PDF Files
- Create blank PDF
- Annotate PDF Files
- Edit PDF Files
- Convert PDF
- Merge PDF Files
- Compress PDF
- Organize PDF Files
- Protect PDF Files
- Print PDF Files
- FAQs
Home / User Guide / User Interface
User Interface
The Home page of Systweak PDF Editor shows Recommended Tools for the user's ease. From here, you can easily perform the following operations:
- Open PDF
- Edit PDF
- Convert PDF
- Merge PDF
- Add Notes
- Compress PDF
- Sign PDF
- Protect PDF
Also, there are different tabs on the toolbar, giving you access to different features.
- A. File tab
- B. Annotate tab
- C. Edit PDF
- D. Views
- E. Pages
- F. Convert
- G. Secure
- H. Split
- I. Extract
- J. Remove
- K. Rotate
- L. Tools
Once you open a PDF, you can use the Search box to find specific text in the PDF file.
File Tab
Clicking on the File tab will give the following options:
- Open: You can open any PDF document you want to edit.
- Open Recent: You can see the list of recently opened PDFs and open it directly from here.
- Save: Save PDF after making changes.
- Save As: Save the PDF with a new one to avoid overwriting the existing PDF.
- Convert To: You can convert PDF to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Image, HTML, Text, SVG, XPS, and PDF/A.
- Duplicate PDF: You can create a copy of the PDF to keep the original PDF document intact.
- Create Blank PDF: You can create and use a blank PDF.
- Print: You can print a hard copy of the document directly from the tool.
- Exit: Close the application.
Annotate tab
Clicking on the Annotate tab will give the following options:
- Highlight - Use this option to highlight important text.
- Underline - This option helps underline text where you need to draw attention.
- Strikethrough - Incorrect text or text you want to be removed can be marked using this option.
- Squiggly Line - Make the text stand out.
- Freehand Line - Use it to mark text, point towards important things, etc.
- Eraser - Using it, you can clear the freehand line drawn using freehand line option.
Edit PDF tab
Clicking on the Edit tab will give the following options:
- Add Text - Forgot to write something important? Using this option add text to the PDF.
- Edit Content - Regardless of whether you want to replace or delete the incorrect text, you can use this option.
- Text Callout - Create a text note with an arrow on the document that can point to a specific spot on the page.
- Add Image - Make your PDF files interactive by adding images.
- Add Notes - Insert sticky notes and note important points using this option.
- Sign PDF - Digitally sign PDF files.
- Stamp - Give reviewers a quick read on whether a document's been approved, edited, and more.
- Shapes - Add more specific details to your documents.
Views tab
Clicking on the View tab will give the following options:
- Actual Size - Resize the page to its size at a 100% zoom level.
- Fit Width - Resize the page to fit the width of the window.
- Fit Page - Resize the page to fit in the document panel.
- Scrolling - This is the default mode for viewing PDF pages. Use the mouse to scroll through the PDF.
- Single View - View one page at a time, allowing you to see edits and make changes.
Pages tab
Clicking on the Pages tab will give the following options:
- Rotate Clockwise - Use this option to change the orientation and rotate PDF clockwise.
- Rotate Anticlockwise - Use this option to change the orientation and rotate the PDF anti-clockwise.
- Remove - Want to delete a page? Select the pages and use the Remove option.
- Split - Do you want to split PDF? Select the pages you need > split them and create a new PDF.
- Extract - Create a new PDF by extracting pages from a PDF.
- Insert - this option helps insert PDF pages and also gives three options:
Duplicate Page
Blank Page
From PDF
Also, you can view PDF in three different views - Small, medium, and large view
Convert tab
As the name suggests, clicking on the Convert tab gives you the following options and allows converting and creating PDF in different formats:
Create PDF -
- Word To PDF
- Excel To PDF
- Image To PDF
- Text To PDF
Convert PDF -
- To Word
- To Excel
- To PPT
- To Image
- To Text
- To PDF /A
- To SVG
- To XPS
Batch Process -
- Batch Convert
- Batch Create
Merge tab
Clicking on the Merge tab allows you to add PDFs to merge.
Secure tab
Clicking on the Secure tab will give the following options:
- Protect - Lock the PDF with a password.
- Unprotect - Remove the password from the PDF so that you can open it without the extra step of adding a password.
- Mark for Redaction - Mark the sensitive information you want to protect from others.
- Apply Redaction - Click this option to apply redaction on selected text.
- Search & Redact - Use this option to search for the text for redaction and save time.
- Batch Process - Batch Protect and unprotect PDF files.
Using this option, you can protect and unprotect batch PDFs.
Split tab
Clicking on the Split tab will give the following options:
- Rotate Clockwise - Use this option to change the orientation and rotate PDF clockwise.
- Rotate Anticlockwise - Use this option to change the orientation and rotate the PDF anti-clockwise.
- Remove - Want to delete a page? Select the pages and use the Remove option.
- Split - Do you want to split PDF? Select the pages you need > split them and create a new PDF.
- Extract - Create a new PDF by extracting pages from a PDF.
- Insert - this option helps insert PDF pages and also gives three options:
Duplicate Page
Blank Page
From PDF
Also, you can view PDF in three different views - Small, medium, and large view.
Extract tab
Clicking on the Extract tab will give the following options:
- Rotate Clockwise - Use this option to change the orientation and rotate PDF clockwise.
- Rotate Anticlockwise - Use this option to change the orientation and rotate the PDF anti-clockwise.
- Remove - Want to delete a page? Select the pages and use the Remove option.
- Split - Do you want to split PDF? Select the pages you need > split them and create a new PDF.
- Extract - Create a new PDF by extracting pages from a PDF.
- Insert - this option helps insert PDF pages and also gives three options:
Duplicate Page
Blank Page
From PDF
Also, you can view PDF in three different views - Small, medium, and large view.
Remove tab
Clicking on the Remove tab will give the following options:
- Rotate Clockwise - Use this option to change the orientation and rotate PDF clockwise.
- Rotate Anticlockwise - Use this option to change the orientation and rotate the PDF anti-clockwise.
- Remove - Want to delete a page? Select the pages and use the Remove option.
- Split - Do you want to split PDF? Select the pages you need > split them and create a new PDF.
- Extract - Create a new PDF by extracting pages from a PDF.
- Insert - this option helps insert PDF pages and also gives three options:
Duplicate Page
Blank Page
From PDF
Also, you can view PDF in three different views - Small, medium, and large view.
Rotate tab
Clicking on the Rotate tab and change the orientation of PDF file using the following options:
- Rotate Clockwise - Use this option to change the orientation and rotate PDF clockwise.
- Rotate Anticlockwise - Use this option to change the orientation and rotate the PDF anti-clockwise.
- Remove - Want to delete a page? Select the pages and use the Remove option.
- Split - Do you want to split PDF? Select the pages you need > split them and create a new PDF.
- Extract - Create a new PDF by extracting pages from a PDF.
- Insert - this option helps insert PDF pages and also gives three options:
Duplicate Page
Blank Page
From PDF
Also, you can view PDF in three different views - Small, medium, and large view.
Tools tab
Clicking on the Tools tab will give the following options:
- Merge PDF - Create a single PDF by merging multiple PDFs.
- Compress PDF - This option allows you to compress PDFs that are too large in size making them easy to share.
- Bookmarks - Mark the pages you want to revisit and avoid scrolling through the entire document.
- Batch Process - Use this option to perform different operations like:
Batch Convert
Batch Create
Batch Protect
Batch Unprotect
Batch Compress